After having awarded and fully funded our very first Takeoff Grant in 2021, we are excited about opening our Takeoff Grant application window for 2022. We hope to build off last year’s success by awarding and funding two or three grants this year. If you are a prospective missionary pilot with training debt that is proving to be a hurdle for you as you seek to fulfill your calling (or if you know someone like that), we hope that you will take a minute or two to learn more about our Takeoff Grant program and how it can help. We desire to get prospective missionary pilots to the field faster and keep them there longer by alleviating their training debt and the stress that goes with it. Please visit our website and reach out to us if you have any questions. We most definitely look forward to seeing your application soon!
Category: News
It’s official!!!
It’s official! After years of work and months of waiting, we are now officially a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charity organization, and are currently recruiting applicants and accepting donations for our first Class of Takeoff Grant recipients! Listen to this episode to learn more.
New Phase of Ministry

We are very excited to announce that we are moving into a new phase of ministry at Plane Faith. From the beginning, the primary concern behind the podcast and everything else related to Plane Faith has been to find a solution to the debt problem that has often caused great difficulty for prospective and active missionary pilots. Flight training is expensive, and prospective missionary pilots often find it necessary to finance their training in order to complete it in a reasonable amount of time. Unfortunately, this debt often becomes a hurdle they must clear before they can be approved for the mission field (or a stressful hurdle they end up having to clear every month while they are on the mission field). In the worst of cases, this debt hurdle keeps those called to mission aviation from ever fulfilling their call, while at other times, it brings them home prematurely.
We at Plane Faith want to solve this problem by awarding Takeoff Grants to cover the monthly flight training debt for missionary pilots for as long as they serve on the mission field. To accomplish this goal, we have formed a nonprofit corporation and will soon begin accepting donations to fund these grants. We are also getting geared up to start accepting applications for our first class of grant recipients. If you would like more information either about donating to fund these grants or how to apply for one, please reach out to us using the contact form on this website.
00 – Welcome To The Plane Faith Podcast
Welcome to Episode Zero of The Plane Faith Podcast. On this episode I introduce myself, tell you about the show, my motivations for starting it, and how you can help. Thanks for listening.
Read moreEpisodes Coming Soon!
We are in the process of putting together interviews and preparing our first several episodes. We have been very pleased with the response to and interest in the podcast that we have seen so far. If you know of anyone who might be interested in being on the show, please point them in our direction.
Check back here soon for the first episode.